My husband, Aaron, and I

Friday, October 10, 2008

First blog ever!

Okay so this is the first time I ever even thought of having a blog but it totally makes sense to start now. And thanks to my friend Heidi I know how to get started! This will be a great way for my family to keep up with the kids and our crazy life! I'll try to post pics and blog everyday but life is crazy so who know what will happen!!! Wish me luck!


Karen said...

Yeah!! Welcome to blogger-world!

Anonymous said...

Great!!!!!!!!!! U know Grammy loves to see pic of her lammies!!!!!!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOX


Heidi said...

Looks great Shannon! I will put you on my blogroll and check back often:-)

Terri Otterman said...

Hey Shannon,
I have one too!Congrats for joining the blog party! I miss you! Terri